Expanding My World.
If you’ve found yourself here, you have entered a construction zone. I’m totally overhauling my virtual home to include other interests that have bubbled to the top of the brew that is my life. I’m...
View ArticleJust Added! Art Gallery.
I’ve added my Virtual Art Gallery! In case you think I only do boats….no. I do people, things, mountains, oceans, beaches, still life, animals, blah, blah, blah. I do it all. Well, mostly all. I’m...
View ArticleJust Added: My Signature Line of Wearable Art!
I’ve finally gotten around to adding three more pages, featuring my Signature Line of Wearable Art. These styles are all my own designs, based on paintings that I’ve done myself, or images that I...
View ArticlePersonal Projects Page Added! D.I.Y. Stuff.
I’ve added another section to this website. This one is called, “Personal Projects.” I’m a DIY kinda gal, and so I get into all sorts of things, from sanding and resurfacing old tables to using left...
View ArticleMore Paintings Added!
“Invisible.” One of many homeless people on this planet. This painting is 16″ X20″, acrylic on canvas. FOR SALE. I’ve been busy at work, painting and writing, and oh my goodness, let me not even get...
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